Why We Do What We Do

We believe individuals and families are at the very core of our entire economy – local, provincial, and national.  We also believe that every family fearing a financial crisis should be assisted and encouraged until their situation improves, and they are feeling less stressed and overwhelmed.

Why we exist

Simply put, we are a link in the chain of family and community service agencies that our province’s people have come to rely on. We acknowledge that the family unit, irrespective of its variety in composition, is the most critical building block within our society, and therefore we seek to act as a support and resource for them. Furthermore, those working in the field of mental health acknowledge that financial worries are one of the most significant contributors to mental health challenges.

Since 1982, we have assisted almost 43,000 separate households. This is our contribution to providing relief in the struggle.

Budgeting and money management assistance

We help you understand how to manage your money. Budgeting and money management skills are critical to the success of any financial plan. We will help you understand a practical way to understand your money and the parameters it brings to your life and that of your family.

Credit Management

Almost from the first day of operation in 1983, we realized most people’s ability to resolve a financial challenge on their own, is directly tied to how much they know and understand about managing credit and controlling the consumption of debt. Consequently, clients requesting this form of counselling can expect to talk about various types and forms of credit, the cost of borrowing, how financial institutions market credit products, and the importance of servicing debt in a timely and responsible manner. They also learn about the best tools available to consumers and where they can be accessed in their community.

Debt Consolidation Programs

This is our alternative to bankruptcy and consumer proposals. It is a service we extend to clients for whom bankruptcy is impractical or ill advised. It is also available to clients who are simply unhappy at the prospect of being bankrupt or who have been bankrupt in the past.

When a client opts for a Debt Consolidation Program(DCP), CCSNL has an understanding with their bank which reduces interest costs for our clients to ZERO. Almost all other institutions usually reduce their interest rates to half or more of the original rate. The maximum life of a DCP is 60 equal monthly payments, so in simple terms, if you choose it you will have no debt in five years.

If a DCP interests you, ask one of our counsellors for details specific to your situation.

Community Education Services

CCSNL is happy to provide in person or virtual educational sessions to group, organizations, employees, and students in the following subjects( and more) throughout the province:

  • Budgeting and Money Management
  • Managing Debt
  • Understanding Credit Scores, Credit Reports and Credit history
  • Children and Money
  • Relationships and Money
  • Living on a fixed income

Questions We Are Often Asked

How much will CCSNL charge me for counselling? 
All counselling and advocacy services are free of charge. They have always been free. No matter how often you require counselling there will not be a charge.

Clients taking advantage of our Debt Consolidation Program may see a minor cost in effect. Ask a counsellor for details.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

CCSNL attempts to see a client and assess their needs within days of initial contact

Who knows that I am a client of CCSNL?

Only you and the CCSNL staff are aware of your status as a client unless you give us written permission to contact your creditors.

Will using a Debt Consolidation Program (DCP) to manage my debt impact my credit rating?

Yes – but your “status” as a DCP client is removed from your history two years after you complete your Debt Consolidation Program (DCP).

Will I receive updates of my debt repayment status while on a Debt Consolidation Program (DCP)?

Yes, CCSNL provides annual client reviews and you can check in for an update anytime.